Seven Lady Spartan Wrestlers Qualify for State at Regionals

Avary Eckert

The Girls Regional Wrestling meet was held on Saturday at Witicha Southeast High School and here were seven individual qualifiers. Ariana Estrada (105), Kensley Medrano (125), Breanna Wolf (190) and Alexa Castillo (235) placed 4th, Kiana Flores-Delgado (170) placed 3rd, Katina Keosybounheuang(120) placed 2nd, and Virginia Munoz (135) placed 1st.

There was a lot of pressure on the meet since it was to qualify for the State Tournament, but the team performed well under pressure.

“I think we all did really well and especially with seven girls moving on to state next week!” Kiana Flores-Delgado(12).

The season has been extremely memorable and enjoyable especially between the team and performing in front of everyone.

“Being able to show off my hard work to the communities.” Breanne Wolf (10).

Leading up to the tournament, the athletes are piortizing rest and recovery to get ready for the tournament.

I’m really taking care of myself mentally and getting into a mindset that I will do my very best and gave it my all since it is my last year.” Breanne Wolf (10).

The State tournament takes place in Wichita at the Park City-Hartman Arena on February 22-23.